Deviant from the Norm

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What Gives?

OK. So this year has been one of the most interesting years of my life and it's only March 29th. I have already drank more than I did by last summer, and i have been blessed by God or something by what I have gotten away with. Just last night, after chillin in a honky-tonk good-ol-boy bar in Hillsborough, NC I drove to my own place of work, The Down Under Pub. My bar is great because you dont have to have a personality, a job, or be a hottie to be welcomed into open arms. Its an eclectic mix of random people of all ages, who drink like fishes and usually somebody gets naked by 1:30am.
After hanging out with a few peeps there, I was given 2 shots of something that was navy blue and in a big shot glass. Of course, if you put it in my hand, I am probably going to drink it. If its free, that is. I leave to drive home, thinking that maybe I can get there before it hits me. God sometimes I do stupid stupid things, because it is always easy to convince myself that I am right. Because at least 90% of the time I am.
So I am speeding a bit down Highway 98 like always, and I am kind of jammin out to The All-American Rejects because it is just feel-good, go-for-the-moment music. I kind of zone out, looking out the window, as there is no traffic on the road at all, when I look foreward again, and I am running right up on this big-ass Suburban. I mean, I have to almost slam on the breaks to avoid the crash that would inevitably lead to a DUI, worse insurance rates than I have now, if that is possible, and an angry, potentially-strung out stranger in the ghetto neighborhood I was driving through.
Needless to say, I almost couldn't sleep because I felt like I almost really screwed up. Christy does not always make the best decisions, especially when she is struggling with the fact that half her childhood friends have chilluns running around the house and they look tired all the time and wrung out. I don't want that any time soon. Of course if one goes around driving after drinking shots, one might never do any of the more fun, exciting shit one wants to do in life. Duh.


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