Deviant from the Norm

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Face into the Sun

A lot has happened in the last three days, and not all of it was a surprise. Saturday I went to Kings Dominion with some good friends of mine, me being the only sheila. (and kinda loving it) There is something about being the only female in a pack of males that like you(in a friendly way) that just makes you feel distinctive and feminine. I don't usually go out of my way to get attention, but if it is there for the taking I will make a sacrifice.
So. My good friend picks me up at eight in the butt crack and we drive and drive. The rest of the group drives seperately to meet us there, and my other two potential passengers who dropped out at the last minute, are not even missed. The ride was smooth, once we crossed into VA and the roads were actually paved, and we just talked and enjoyed the music and started the day out in an awesome way...

more later, need to go be outside...


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