Been Hibernatin'
So this blog has been in hibernation for a month, due to excessive MySpace whoredom...but that will get old and used-up too at some point...
Life has gone down a big huge slippery slope lately, and I can only hope that we can salvage our marriage, and the neighbors don't think we are crazy. Something about yelling in the driveway at 3am does not impress. I can be a complete immature ass when I am backed into a corner, as is evidenced by all the crap I say I am not gonna do, I eventually end up doing.
Marriage is a lot of work, and it is really hard if you are a bit self-focused, independent, impulsive, and spontaneous to a fault. Especially if you marry a centered, conservative, forthright, ultra-stable, logical person. Even harder still if one person or both people don't want to change how they are.
Relationships can be the greatest source of support and caring, or they can rip you apart and make you cynical. I am somewhere in the middle, wanting to be happy again, wishing for the first days where it was all exciting and fresh. Too bad relationships can't be like the first month...all the time.
I began the summer thinking it would be full of good times and fun....but maybe after all this is better, theres some fun to be had. I will always be the girl looking for fun in everything. Sue me.