Deviant from the Norm

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I am the job

God, not only could I not sleep hardly at all, but the scattered dreams that I had were about work. Pouring beers, making drinks, and dealing with drunks. Can't escape it even in my
Allergy attacks woke me every ten minutes from 8am until 10, when I scraped my ass out of bed and threw down on the couch...sneezing, coughing, runny face...I am a hot mama right now.
I am a cranky asshole today....maybe I will get to take it out on someone tonight at's the little things that give me pleasure.
Considering going to King's Dominion on Tuesday, looking for a good time this next week, before summer school takes my free time away for a few weeks.

Also, considering renting a studio space to paint. Can't get shit done at home, and I miss being inspired...I need an outlet right now, and the options and opportunities for outlets of frustration are limited right now.

Going hiking tomorrow with an old friend and that should be good, getting lost in the woods for an afternoon has been ultra fun...


I finally got all my grades back for the spring semester....two A's and a B....and my Arts & Humanities class actually warranted an INC...which means I can go back and replace the grade....Yay, Christy gets a get out of "F" card.
So my GPA dropped from a 3.9 to a 3.7, temporarily....guess I can deal with that.


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