Deviant from the Norm

Monday, May 01, 2006

what a whore

Yes, boys and girls, I think I am going to sell out and become a part of the Myspace whoreland. I have given it enough thought, to where I think that I might as well just do it, considering my friends are all doing it and hell, peer pressure is a bitch.
Actually, I've been thinking it might be a good way to market my art, as I can post my paintings and ideas right on the site.... What did we do without the Internet?
Only a select few of us can answer....LOL us old farts...

Damn, but I have a final at 8am tomorrow....booooo that, though it will probably be done by 9. Freshman English Comp. is not too intellectually stimulating...

I can't wait until my cross-country driving trip in late July, early August!!!!

It will be the greatest, and I need a vacation about now...

Music playing: Portishead-- Dummy


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