Deviant from the Norm

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Music = soul candy

Tonight work was quieter than Paris Hilton on Jeopardy...yet I didn't really mind because I got to play my music for 6 straight hours....that in and of itsself is worth showing up for.
Bought $70 in CD's with my trusty Best Buy credit card, which was dusty from lack of use anyways....wish I could count it as a work write-off, seeing as we have no music system, but hey....can't win em all.
Better Than Ezra's new CD, "Before the Robots" is one of my purchases...and it totally rocks ass!
Got the whole bar into my shit tonight, I think I really need to pick up my guitar again, because music is an aphrodisiac that makes me feel like I can get through anything....even the shit at home, which I admit to putting off as I try to finish my semester and deal with all the baggage...
May tonight bring sweet dreams to all whom I care about and myself...
and may my theme music be "A Lifetime" on BTE's new disc...


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