Deviant from the Norm

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Middle Name is Asshole

If my middle name weren't Jeanette, I swear to God it would be Asshole. When it comes to the people that I "should" be the most supportive of right now, I only feel like picking them apart. As my best friend-slash-husband is trying to do all the affectionate, sweet, attentive things he NEVER did....I am like, "who is this person, and why is he doing this?"
It feels false, though I am sure it is sincere in that he is afraid I am going to just run off one day soon. I just want to get through this semester...first things first...but DAMN! It is like being around an octopus....always trying to touch me, and why should I resist my husband?
Because......I AM AN ASSHOLE.
Sadly, I am glad that I have the next few days alone at the know its bad when you kind of miss the days living alone when you walked around naked all afternoon and no one cared, unless they were over there naked with you...and you were not married to them.
I miss my "friend" Rob, because as unsatisfied as I was with only that at one time, I could deal with the friend....its this constant desire for affection that I can't freaking fathom how to get around.
I don't feel it, and it makes me feel so guilty.
Fuck me.

On the upside, I managed to get a nine page paper, chock full of plagiarized goodness, ready for my octogenarian teacher's trembling hands yesterday morning...though I freely admit is is barely worth a B minus or a C, I think it will do better than that. Cocky bastard that I am...
On to a new day, may I make loads of dollars off of the drunk dumbasses who will frequent my Pub this afternoon from 1 to 8, and may I spend half of it in Chapel Hill favorite charity is the bar charity...


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