Deviant from the Norm

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Brown-Baggin It

I am in Kinko's right now, watching a "street-dwelling person" drink the days wages from a paper bag outside the BP. It causes me to philosophize about things, namely, how we get to where we are in life. He probably didn't see himself partying next to a gas station, when he was dreamin' up a future in 3rd grade. Maybe his mama didn't hug him enough, hey, at least he didnt end up robbing said store.
People say there is no use dwelling in the past, and I definately agree to a point. However, if you don't learn from the mistakes in your past, you are wasting yours and everyone else's time in your life. You might not think their opinion matters, but if no one ever supported your thoughts, ideas, or actions in any way, you'd be a miserable, closed-minded ass. Or, you might be super-successful and determined to be super-successful until you are never satisfied and die a miserable death, still looking for someone to hold you close and tell the child in you that everythings gonna be ok and that they love you no matter what.
All ranting aside (because I was lucky with what I was dealt as a kid) People should appreciate the others in their life more, because that shit is what really makes you feel alive when everything falls apart.
I realized that no matter what I do, my closest friends and family will love me, and that though I am making a big ass change right now in my life, as long as I keep close and connected to these people, I will get through the bullshit.
I can't wait until the slate gets cleaner....feeling like kicking some ass today, but in a good way...
A piece of gum could probably inspire me right now. yay.


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