Deviant from the Norm

Monday, April 10, 2006

I got "Beefs" with Arts & Humanities I

So I have this teacher at North Carolina Central University who not only has ADHD and no one bothered to tell her, she has absolutely no knowledge of anything other than how to change the subject when she can't answer a question from a student. She posesses the unique and "special" talent of mis-using big words, and switching topics up to five times, MID-SENTENCE.
She actually explained to us that any past wars in Europe were the result of the Europeans having "beefs" with the Nubians from Upper Africa, because they were black. Sure thing biotch.
I am honored to give an example of her special skills as an orator-slash-cracked-out "professor" in the Communications dept. at this fine school. Today, in class she must have realized that she hadn't covered like 60% of the semester's material, and so she rushed to explain, (and my grammar is true to her speech) "All these development of human beings, whether biology, astrology, ancient Rome and all that; it's all art."
Later, she told us how "We're gonna look at China which is Korea, but China, Korea, whatever peoples, it's the same thing."
No fucking way. I had stopped quoting her retarded-ass speech in the margins of my notes for the last few weeks, because it got so regular, by God I was starting to follow her....right down the rabbit hole into pure schizophrenia.
Now I have a reason to continue going to class: She is more intertaining than any gibberish spewed thus far this step, voice recorder.
I can not fathom how she has a professorship at a fucking university. The class deserves her paycheck for the therapy needed to unravel the permanent confusion that is inevitable, if one chooses to show up for her class.
What a dirty whore.


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