Deviant from the Norm

Monday, April 24, 2006


Tonight was one of the more enlightening nights at my Pub. For some reason I approached my job and thinking about my life with more clarity than has been the case lately.
I had many a drunk bastard walk through the busted doors of The Down Under Pub tonight, "smooth" lines on the tips of their tongues, wanting a hook-up of some kind, or to walk all over Christy, who I have been told, has been voted "best bartender in Durham" by a few loyal fans.
I don't delude myself that I would ever win such a title: there are too many factors that play into why people vote for certain folks anyways. If my tits arent big enough, then there goes 40% of the vote...
Still, it felt nice to know that I am considered the psychotherapist of the Pub, as well as being hit on occasionally.
Its sad when you get your ego trip from work...though lately I don't know where I feel best about myself.
I think that there is no reason why I shouldn't write a novel or a series of short stories about my experiences at the Pub...there is so much material there, it has definately been an experience that has shaped my view of people and life, in certain ways...yet it has made me feel more secure in who I am.
I love my "brothers" who are so fucked up so much of the time...yet they are the most loyal, open, and friendly people you'll ever meet.
Cheers to The Down Under Pub...may it not be shut down due to "roof failure", liquor funneling, or crack-smoking in the bathroom... If it must die, let it be a natural death...


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