Deviant from the Norm

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Life as an Artist-in-Sheep's-Clothing

What to do. I have been the recipient of so much advice the last few weeks that I don't think ANYONE knows anything about me. If they did, they wouldn't be telling me to stay with Rob and cheat on him, and they wouldn't be telling me that the reasons I married him are enough to hold on to, nor would they be telling me that I will be single for the rest of my life when I end this.

People just don't pay attention because they are busy putting themselves in your shoes, but with THEIR experience.
Guess that is only natural.

I think I have aired my dirty laundry in my place of work enough...I am going to stop talking about my life there.
It is natural for me to share the goings on with people, just because I value other poins of view. I think if you refuse to ever be influenced by others, or care about their opinions, you leave yourself lonely and isolated. I am a closet loner, however, masked in sociality, because I love people, yet really feel understood by few.
My purpose in life includes creation of some sort, and the teaching of creation to others. Artsy-Fartsy crapola.
I wish I knew what kind of relationship-type thing the future held for me...
I don't want to be single forever, and right now I don't want to be married....I feel like if I go through with splitting now, I will be lonely forever, because people seem to come and go in your life, no matter how much you care about each other, and how great the times can be....yet, I know that it isnt going to last because there are innate flaws that are glaringly obvious right now.

Wish I could ease the anxiety through my painting, but it seems my brush stays dry and my cheeks often don't...


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