Deviant from the Norm

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Do I get course credit for this?

Well. It seems that my semester in school has finally come to a close, or as my Arts & Humanities prof would say, "It's time for us to close it all out and get out of my face cuz I can't answer your questions anymore..."

It is freeing to know that I have almost 2 weeks to play with, and there will be a lot of beach and road trips in the mix.

Today, I found out, holy God, that I got an A in both my English class and my Modern Art class. For someone who admittedly is capable of getting an A in anything (except maybe Calc.) that aint half bad for skipping like 2 weeks of the semester. That can never happen again though, because I am not dropping the ball on the behalf of anybody but me. Yep I'm suckin it up, I know I screwed up.

As for not drinking, it kind of sucks because I got real used to it, and I love to do it. It is only for 2 weeks, but I need to get clear about a lot of things, and I have been a dick the last few times I've been drunk anyway. Now I can't blow off crazy shit I do on alcohol, damn! I just chopped the bottom of my food pyramid off-- joke, kinda.

It looks like I might finally have to start looking for a job, for real this time. My boss has not picked up his ass and sent the necessary paperwork in to the Alcoholic Bev Comission, like he was so nicely asked to in the big fucking violation he got last week, for not doing this since JANUARY 2005. How hard is it to do? Shit he could pay someone to do it cheap....wait, that might cut into the "pay for tits and ass" fund. That would be the death of his social life.

Everyone I know, and I mean like 95% of the people I know are having problems right now... three of my guy friends are going to be unplanned daddies, 3 of my girlfriends are in the midst of break ups, I am not doing great, and my job is in a cockroach infested, vomit-smelling, option-deficient dive. The friends I have made there keep me there. Oh yeah, and the money.
If only it could buy happiness....but we all know better.


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