Deviant from the Norm

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Cheers to good friends who make me happy today, yo...I have 5 weddings to go to this summer, and though I am happy for others who tie the knot and are still happy with that later...I kind of fucked my own situation up, and I am a bit envious. I guess things will work out in the long run, and I know that if me and my husband are truly the friends I know we are, then we will still be friends later, even though I know I will have to split. I want more from mariage than what this is, and I have felt more for things outside my marriage than what is going on IN my marriage. That is not a positive sign for my partnership anyway...

Going to the pool today to chill and work on my skin cancer and freckles some more, then Oh Yay Hap Happy Day, I have a wedding to go to....yippee. I don't even know the girl well, and last time I saw her, I was at her shower, which I left early because I couldn't hold my shit together enough and started crying in the kitchen because everyone was asking how my marriage was and I could NOT tell them I was miserable. Good stuff right there, sometimes you have to laugh at how retarded life is.

Even though it brings beautiful experiences too...


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