Deviant from the Norm

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Feelin' It

Tonight I had kind of a revelation.... and here it is. Might sound naive or immature, but believe me, we are all completely capable of deluding ourselves into thinking things revolve around us, even in a local setting. I know I am just one of the masses, and no more significant than the Easter lillies growing in my flower bed outside. However, I came to the understanding today that there is something out there for me, that my passion and love of music, art, and people will be important, even if it is just to myself.
Damn, it is amazing how some groovy kickass dance and new wave will lift your spirits and make you feel empowered like you haven't been in years.
Music is in my blood, and in my soul...I only long for that to be shared one day...why is life so mysterious with its' intentions?
I would love to be able to answer that before I turn 90...


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